Sunday 8 November 2009

Pulp Fiction; Post-Modernism

We watched the film Pulp Fiction in class, and identified all the areas of post modernism within the film, below i will be showing some of the the post modern factors within the film, and the inspiration from where it came from.

One element of post modernism is the haircut of Mia, which has clearly been taken from Louise Brooks, who starred in the film Pandoras Box. At the time, to have a haircut like Louise Brooks was a daring thing to do, and was almost unheard of.

The reseraunt used in Pulp Fiction (Jack Rabbit Slim's) is another example of post modernism, as there are referances to many characters from popular culture, e.g Zorro, Elvis, Buddy Holly, Marilyn Monroe, James Dean. All these people are seen within the resteraunt, here is the clip...

(sorry its in french)

Whilst in the resteraunt you also see Maraliyn Monroe doing the classic pose...

... which is a referance to the Subway Scene from "The seven year itch."

The following scene is where Butch chooses a weapon to save Marcellus...

The weapons he picks up are all references to weapons that are used in other films to kill people. For example...
First of all he picks up the hammer, which is a reference to Toolbox Murders (1978)

Then he picks up the Baseball Bat, referance to The Untouchables.

Then he picks up a chainsaw, which is a referance to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Until he finally decides upon a samurai sword, which has many referances. Seven Samurai (1954), The Yazuka (1975), Shogun Assasain (1980).